Earth Keepers

Before our journey we considered various geographical area’s on different continents where we believed we would find people who have retained a natural balance and live in harmony with their surroundings. There was no shortlist or even names when we set out on our journey. We decided intuitively who to film as they came onto our path travelling around the world. In most cases they were not keen to be filmed and some were very much against the idea at first. But as we spend more time with them, living as a family in their midst, the trust grew and ultimately they all embraced the idea.

These Wisdom keepers are a message in the way they live their lives. Un-affected by man-made laws, man-made religion or the distorting layers of the ego, they share a clear and transcendent vision on life on planet Earth. Having lived in hiding for centuries, the medicine men and women know that now is the time to step forward to share their insights and wisdom with those who are ready to listen.  

They are referred in their communities as medicine people, Wisdom Keepers, shamans, healers or spiritual leaders. The term ‘Earth Keepers’ was chosen as we felt it was the right way to describe them in DOWN to EARTH. Not only are they incredibly humble and ‘down-to-earth’ individuals, but they are also the connectors between the other realms and our life on Earth, between the physical and non-physical worlds. The wisdom Keepers believe that we all live in multiple dimensions all the time. Through their connection they can access much more information, reclaiming for themselves and assist others in reclaiming what has been abandoned in other realities.

It is beautiful how they speak with one voice, expressing the same ideas whilst living thousands of miles apart. Their simplicity, humility and understanding of humanity are unparalleled. Their stories, their insights and their knowledge are so powerful precisely because they are so identical to each other. Their message is one of optimism, ' we are are not powerless, together we can make a change'.

What modern civilisation has gained in knowledge, it possibly lost in wisdom. In these times of the crisis in our leadership, climate change and personal well being, we are more and more looking at the indigenous wisdom to re-learn the things we have lost. 

Through our film we hope to unlock the wisdom the Earth Keepers.